July 18, 2015

The Tale of the Left Handed Driver

When driving on the left side of the road, you should never move to the right hand lane to prepare to turn right. This is because the lane on your right is actually for on coming traffic. All I have to say is that it was a good thing it was 3:00 in the morning and that I thought it through before I actually did it.

There are a few other things you have to be aware of when driving on the the opposite side of the road. I was driving a manual-shift car and I was brutally reminded that the shifter was on my left side every time I punched the door on my right in search for it. I also had the habit of drifting a little to the left without realizing. I only almost drove off the shoulder once, and in my defence I didn't think I was that close. To explain the sudden breaking on the motorway that also occured: sometimes my foot gets confused about which is the break and which is the clutch. And sometimes that happens when I'm going at high speeds.

I was the lucky one that got caught in the “diversion” that brought us around the long way to our stay in West Linton, Scotland. If that wasn't enough, I missed the exit to get off the motor way as well and had to turn around on the giant, confusing round-abouts. Seriously the worst. Good thing we could see the sun begin to come up at 2:45 am. It was this hazy light along the horizon. I never realized that Scotland was so far north.

The last thing I'd like to mention is the happiness level of the road signs. Here are a few to give you a bit of the flavor:

Under inflated tyres are dangerous
Test your eyesight is fit to drive
Twenty is plenty
Frustration can cause accidents
Check your tyre pressure regularly

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