May 18, 2016

Group facilitator

Self-reliance groups are where the rubber meets the road for the initiative I'm interning for. Participants can choose one of three foci: Education for Better Work, My Job Search, and Starting and Growing My Business. Each group is made up of 8-15 people who get together once a week for twelve weeks to discuss the material. Instead of an instructor, a facilitator sits among the group members and walks them through the material. The instructional approach focuses on using group collaboration to solve problems.

Last night, I facilitated my first group. About 30 minutes before it was supposed to begin, I started to sweat a little. I turned down the gas-powered heat in the corner. I shouldn't have worn the shirt-and-sweater combo. My eyes were getting scratchy and my tongue was feeling dry. I was feeling the way I always did before teaching a lesson for institute or giving a presentation at work. One-by-one, 14 people filed into the room that was built for 6-8. We only had five handbooks to share.

We started a few minutes late. I read the first paragraph. After that I called on people to read. I didn't want to make everyone suffer through the Yankee trying to read Spanish. I stood in front of the class and held my laptop so everyone could see it when we watched videos. I looked down at the keyboard so I wouldn't have to look at the faces that were all staring at the screen I was holding.

People answered the questions. Sometimes I felt like they were giving me the low-down on the current economic status of their country. Although that wasn't the reason I was there, it was relevant so I didn't feel the need to change the subject.

We got to the part where I was supposed to share a video I forgot to download. Then I downloaded it in English. Then someone showed it on their phone and I felt like a moron. But I let it go quickly and we all moved on. I had stopped sweating a while ago.

As time went on, people shared more frequently. They wrote down their names and numbers in my notebook. A woman in the group set up a group text in WhatsApp (the messaging app of choice around here).

I was glad the first class was done. I hoped I wouldn't be so nervous for the next one.


  1. Its your first group meeting, give yourself some time and you will do just fine.

  2. I'm 100% positive they loved you.

  3. I love that you're doing this! When I was in Brazil, a 23-year old kid who had never started his own business was leading the Growing Your Own Business group. The bishop and his wife, who started their own business 2 months ago when they both got laid off, attend. So does the Relief Society president, and several other active members of the ward. They meet in the overflow sitting around a rectangular table. Four to six kids run amok while their parents are in the class. They climb over the pews in the chapel and sprint in the halls. It's messy. But it's a good mess. :)
